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VAZQUEZ TORRES, M. (centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, Universidad Veracruzana, Aartado Postal 294, Xalapa, Veracruz. 91000, Mexico). Algunos datos etnobotanicos de las chicas en Mexico. Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden 57: 144–147. 1990. Although prehispanica and Conquest documents fail to assign any uses for cycads by such ancient cultures as the Aztec, Maya, and Olmec, we nevertheless know from indigenous rural people that four principal classes of use can be ascribed to them. These are: Edibles (Ceratozamia robusta, D. educe, D. spinulosum, and D. tomasellii); and Ornamentals (Ceratozamia spp., and Zamia spp.).
Keywords: Ceratozamia, Zamia, Dioon, medicinal use, edibility, religious use, ornamental use
This paper is in Spanish.