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MEM 57 C02-Morphology and Systematics of the Cycadales.

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STEVENSON, D. W. (New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458, USA). Morphology and systematics of the Cycadales. Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden 57: 8–55. 1990. The morphology, anatomy, and systematics of the Cycadales are reviewed and discussed with emphasis upon new information published since the last comprehensive work on Gymnosperms by Chamberlain, fifty-five years ago. The morphology and anatomy of vegetative and reproductive structures are discussed in terms of the systematic distribution of the character state at the generic level and gaps in our information concerning these features are pointed out. Vegetative topics include growth habit, secondary growth with emphasis on polyxyly and extrafascicular vasculature, leaf morphology and petiole vasculature, and root morphology. Reproductive topics include ovule morphology and vasculature, mega- and microsporophyll morphology and vasculature, and reproductive branching. The historical aspects of classification, at the generic level and above, are briefly reviewed. Cladistic analyses are provided with discussions on character distributions and the interpretations of the cladograms. A provisional classification is presented based on the cladistic analyses.

Keywords: cladistics, leaves, megasorophylls, microsporophylls, ovules, roots, stems