Proceedings of Cycad 2005: The 7th Intl Conference on Cycad Biology. Mem (97)
Cycads have been around for 250 million years, during which time they have retained seemingly unchanged features. The International Conference on Cycad Biology, held every three years since its inception in 1987, has become a prominent meeting centering on all aspects of the biology of this unusual and important group. This conference volume, the seventh in the series, includes 34 papers that represent the current state of knowledge about the evolution, pollination biology, ethnobotany, conservation status, and molecular biological aspects of the living cycads. Some of the articles are in Spanish, and all have Spanish and English abstracts.
Papers included in this volume are listed below. For a complete list of papers produced from cycad proceedings published by NYBG Press, click here.
Recovery Plans for Endangered Cycads: A Model Set of Objectives and Actions
Using the Example of Cycas megacarpa from Queensland, Australia
Paul I. Forster
Ex situ Conservation of Microcycas calocoma, Zamia amblyphyllidia, Z. integrifolia,
Z. ottonis, and Z. pygmaea germplasm at the National Botanic Garden, Cuba
Julio C. Lazcano Lara
TaxonomÃa, Distribución y Estado de Conservación de Zamia en Ecuador
Fernando Nicolalde-Morejón
Managing Cycad Aulacaspis Scale (Aulacaspis yasumatsusi Takagi) at Montgomery Botanical Center, USA
Christine Wiese and Catharine Mannion
EcologÃa de Ceratozamia aff. robusta en la Sierra Madre del Sur de Oaxaca
Alma Delia Chávez González, Beatriz Rendón Aguilar, and Azucena De Lourdes Luna José
Herbivores and Chemical Defenses in Cycads—An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach
Citlalli Castillo-Guevara
Seed Dispersal Agents of Two Mexican Cycads
Jeff Chemnick
Ethnobotany of Honduran Cycads
Mark A. Bonta
Cycads in the Vernacular—A Compendium of Local Names
Mark A. Bonta and Roy Osborne
The Ethnomedicinal Use of Cycads in South Africa
Errol Douwes and Christopher G. M. Dalzell
Genomic Studies in Cycas rumphii Miquel
Eric D. Brenner, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Manpreet S. Katari, Richard W. McCombie, Stephen A. Rudd,
Suzan J. Runko, Rob A. Martienssen, and Gloria M. Coruzzi
Age Influences Photosynthetic Capacity of Cycas micronesica Leaves
Thomas E. Marler
Water Economy of Macrozamia riedlei in the Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) Forest of Southwestern Western Australia
John K. Marshall
The Vascularization of the Seed of Ceratozamia mexicana (Zamiaceae)
MarÃa Ydelia Sánchez-Tinoco, E. Mark Engleman, and Stephen D. Kock
Defining the Role of BMAA and Its Potential Glutamate Receptor Targets in Arabidopsis thaliana and Cycas rumphii
Eric D. Brenner, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Joanna Chiu, Suzan J. Runko, Peter M. Palenchar, and Gloria M. Coruzzi
Cyanobacteria, Cycads, and Neurodegenerative Disease among the Chamorro People of Guam
Paul Alan Cox, Sandra Anne Banack, and Susan J. Murch
Cycad-Induced Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model of ALS-PDC: Is the Culprit Really BMAA, or Is a Novel Toxin to Blame?
Christopher A. Shaw, Jason M. B. Wilson, Reyneil Cruz-Aguado, Swaraj Singh, Erin L. Hawkes, Vivian Lee, and Thomas Marler
Hot and Smelly Sex! Theoretical Considerations of the Adaptive Significance of Cone Thermogenesis and
Volatile Odors in Cycad Reproduction
John S. Donaldson
Evolution of Dioecy and Sex Chromosomes in Cycads
Root Gorelick and Roy Osborne
Sex Change in Cycads—Cases, Causes, and Chemistry
Roy Osborne and Root Gorelick
Responses of Pollinating Thrips and Weevils to Specific Macrozamia Cycad Cone Volatiles
Irene Terry, Gimme H. Walter, Craig Hull, and Chris Moore
Molecular Systematics in Amorphocerine Weevils on Encephalartos—Preliminary Results
Douglas A. Downie and John S. Donaldson
The Populations of Dioon caputoi in the Tehucacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve
Juan C. Flores-Vázquez, Silvia Salas-Morales, and Alfredo Saynes-Vázquez
Genetic Structure and Diversity of Dioon edule: A Comparison with Other Cycads
Jorge González-Astorga and Andrew P. Vovides
An Emended Description of Dioon mejiae Standl. & L. O.Williams (Zamiaceae)
Jody L. Haynes and Mark A. Bonta
Overview of the Cycad Flora of Honduras
Jody L. Haynes and Mark A. Bonta
The World List of Cycads [La Lista Mundial de CÃcadas]
Ken D. Hill, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, and Roy Osborne
Unlocking the Coontie Conundrum: The Potential of Microsatellite DNA Studies in the Caribbean
Zamia pumila Complex (Zamiaceae)
Alan W. Meerow, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Jeremy Moynihan, and Javier Francisco-Ortega
Variación morfológica y genética del complejo Ceratozamia miqueliana H.A. Wendl. (Cycadales, Zamiaceae)
Miguel A. Pérez-Farrera, Andrew P. Vovides, Dolores González, Luis Hernández Sandoval y Mahinda MartÃnez
Cycas annaikalensis from the Western Ghats of India with a Discussion on the Specific Limits of Cycas circinalis L.
Rita Singh, P. Radha, and Prabha Sharma
Variablity of Natural Populations and Conservation Issues Facing Plicate-Leaved
Zamia Species in Central and Western Panama
Alberto S. Taylor, Jody L. Haynes, Gregory Holzman, and Jorge Mendieta
Morphological Variation of Dioon (Zamiaceae) from the Pacific Slope of Mexico Using a Multivariate Analysis
Georgina Vargas Amado, Jorge Alberto Pérez de la Rosa, José Pablo Torres Morán, and Waldina Patricia Reyes Velázquez
Subdivision of Encephalartos
Piet Vorster
The Cycads of Mexico: 25 Years of Research and Conservation
Andrew P. Vovides, Jorge González-Astorga, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, Dolores González,
Christina Bárcenas, and Carlos Iglesias
Cycads have been around for 250 million years, during which time they have retained seemingly unchanged features. The International Conference on Cycad Biology, held every three years since its inception in 1987, has become a prominent meeting centering on all aspects of the biology of this unusual and important group. This conference volume, the seventh in the series, includes 34 papers that represent the current state of knowledge about the evolution, pollination biology, ethnobotany, conservation status, and molecular biological aspects of the living cycads. Some of the articles are in Spanish, and all have Spanish and English abstracts.
Papers included in this volume are listed below. For a complete list of papers produced from cycad proceedings published by NYBG Press, click here.
Recovery Plans for Endangered Cycads: A Model Set of Objectives and Actions
Using the Example of Cycas megacarpa from Queensland, Australia
Paul I. Forster
Ex situ Conservation of Microcycas calocoma, Zamia amblyphyllidia, Z. integrifolia,
Z. ottonis, and Z. pygmaea germplasm at the National Botanic Garden, Cuba
Julio C. Lazcano Lara
TaxonomÃa, Distribución y Estado de Conservación de Zamia en Ecuador
Fernando Nicolalde-Morejón
Managing Cycad Aulacaspis Scale (Aulacaspis yasumatsusi Takagi) at Montgomery Botanical Center, USA
Christine Wiese and Catharine Mannion
EcologÃa de Ceratozamia aff. robusta en la Sierra Madre del Sur de Oaxaca
Alma Delia Chávez González, Beatriz Rendón Aguilar, and Azucena De Lourdes Luna José
Herbivores and Chemical Defenses in Cycads—An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach
Citlalli Castillo-Guevara
Seed Dispersal Agents of Two Mexican Cycads
Jeff Chemnick
Ethnobotany of Honduran Cycads
Mark A. Bonta
Cycads in the Vernacular—A Compendium of Local Names
Mark A. Bonta and Roy Osborne
The Ethnomedicinal Use of Cycads in South Africa
Errol Douwes and Christopher G. M. Dalzell
Genomic Studies in Cycas rumphii Miquel
Eric D. Brenner, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Manpreet S. Katari, Richard W. McCombie, Stephen A. Rudd,
Suzan J. Runko, Rob A. Martienssen, and Gloria M. Coruzzi
Age Influences Photosynthetic Capacity of Cycas micronesica Leaves
Thomas E. Marler
Water Economy of Macrozamia riedlei in the Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) Forest of Southwestern Western Australia
John K. Marshall
The Vascularization of the Seed of Ceratozamia mexicana (Zamiaceae)
MarÃa Ydelia Sánchez-Tinoco, E. Mark Engleman, and Stephen D. Kock
Defining the Role of BMAA and Its Potential Glutamate Receptor Targets in Arabidopsis thaliana and Cycas rumphii
Eric D. Brenner, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Joanna Chiu, Suzan J. Runko, Peter M. Palenchar, and Gloria M. Coruzzi
Cyanobacteria, Cycads, and Neurodegenerative Disease among the Chamorro People of Guam
Paul Alan Cox, Sandra Anne Banack, and Susan J. Murch
Cycad-Induced Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model of ALS-PDC: Is the Culprit Really BMAA, or Is a Novel Toxin to Blame?
Christopher A. Shaw, Jason M. B. Wilson, Reyneil Cruz-Aguado, Swaraj Singh, Erin L. Hawkes, Vivian Lee, and Thomas Marler
Hot and Smelly Sex! Theoretical Considerations of the Adaptive Significance of Cone Thermogenesis and
Volatile Odors in Cycad Reproduction
John S. Donaldson
Evolution of Dioecy and Sex Chromosomes in Cycads
Root Gorelick and Roy Osborne
Sex Change in Cycads—Cases, Causes, and Chemistry
Roy Osborne and Root Gorelick
Responses of Pollinating Thrips and Weevils to Specific Macrozamia Cycad Cone Volatiles
Irene Terry, Gimme H. Walter, Craig Hull, and Chris Moore
Molecular Systematics in Amorphocerine Weevils on Encephalartos—Preliminary Results
Douglas A. Downie and John S. Donaldson
The Populations of Dioon caputoi in the Tehucacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve
Juan C. Flores-Vázquez, Silvia Salas-Morales, and Alfredo Saynes-Vázquez
Genetic Structure and Diversity of Dioon edule: A Comparison with Other Cycads
Jorge González-Astorga and Andrew P. Vovides
An Emended Description of Dioon mejiae Standl. & L. O.Williams (Zamiaceae)
Jody L. Haynes and Mark A. Bonta
Overview of the Cycad Flora of Honduras
Jody L. Haynes and Mark A. Bonta
The World List of Cycads [La Lista Mundial de CÃcadas]
Ken D. Hill, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, and Roy Osborne
Unlocking the Coontie Conundrum: The Potential of Microsatellite DNA Studies in the Caribbean
Zamia pumila Complex (Zamiaceae)
Alan W. Meerow, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Jeremy Moynihan, and Javier Francisco-Ortega
Variación morfológica y genética del complejo Ceratozamia miqueliana H.A. Wendl. (Cycadales, Zamiaceae)
Miguel A. Pérez-Farrera, Andrew P. Vovides, Dolores González, Luis Hernández Sandoval y Mahinda MartÃnez
Cycas annaikalensis from the Western Ghats of India with a Discussion on the Specific Limits of Cycas circinalis L.
Rita Singh, P. Radha, and Prabha Sharma
Variablity of Natural Populations and Conservation Issues Facing Plicate-Leaved
Zamia Species in Central and Western Panama
Alberto S. Taylor, Jody L. Haynes, Gregory Holzman, and Jorge Mendieta
Morphological Variation of Dioon (Zamiaceae) from the Pacific Slope of Mexico Using a Multivariate Analysis
Georgina Vargas Amado, Jorge Alberto Pérez de la Rosa, José Pablo Torres Morán, and Waldina Patricia Reyes Velázquez
Subdivision of Encephalartos
Piet Vorster
The Cycads of Mexico: 25 Years of Research and Conservation
Andrew P. Vovides, Jorge González-Astorga, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, Dolores González,
Christina Bárcenas, and Carlos Iglesias
Cycads have been around for 250 million years, during which time they have retained seemingly unchanged features. The International Conference on Cycad Biology, held every three years since its inception in 1987, has become a prominent meeting centering on all aspects of the biology of this unusual and important group. This conference volume, the seventh in the series, includes 34 papers that represent the current state of knowledge about the evolution, pollination biology, ethnobotany, conservation status, and molecular biological aspects of the living cycads. Some of the articles are in Spanish, and all have Spanish and English abstracts.
Papers included in this volume are listed below. For a complete list of papers produced from cycad proceedings published by NYBG Press, click here.
Recovery Plans for Endangered Cycads: A Model Set of Objectives and Actions
Using the Example of Cycas megacarpa from Queensland, Australia
Paul I. Forster
Ex situ Conservation of Microcycas calocoma, Zamia amblyphyllidia, Z. integrifolia,
Z. ottonis, and Z. pygmaea germplasm at the National Botanic Garden, Cuba
Julio C. Lazcano Lara
TaxonomÃa, Distribución y Estado de Conservación de Zamia en Ecuador
Fernando Nicolalde-Morejón
Managing Cycad Aulacaspis Scale (Aulacaspis yasumatsusi Takagi) at Montgomery Botanical Center, USA
Christine Wiese and Catharine Mannion
EcologÃa de Ceratozamia aff. robusta en la Sierra Madre del Sur de Oaxaca
Alma Delia Chávez González, Beatriz Rendón Aguilar, and Azucena De Lourdes Luna José
Herbivores and Chemical Defenses in Cycads—An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach
Citlalli Castillo-Guevara
Seed Dispersal Agents of Two Mexican Cycads
Jeff Chemnick
Ethnobotany of Honduran Cycads
Mark A. Bonta
Cycads in the Vernacular—A Compendium of Local Names
Mark A. Bonta and Roy Osborne
The Ethnomedicinal Use of Cycads in South Africa
Errol Douwes and Christopher G. M. Dalzell
Genomic Studies in Cycas rumphii Miquel
Eric D. Brenner, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Manpreet S. Katari, Richard W. McCombie, Stephen A. Rudd,
Suzan J. Runko, Rob A. Martienssen, and Gloria M. Coruzzi
Age Influences Photosynthetic Capacity of Cycas micronesica Leaves
Thomas E. Marler
Water Economy of Macrozamia riedlei in the Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) Forest of Southwestern Western Australia
John K. Marshall
The Vascularization of the Seed of Ceratozamia mexicana (Zamiaceae)
MarÃa Ydelia Sánchez-Tinoco, E. Mark Engleman, and Stephen D. Kock
Defining the Role of BMAA and Its Potential Glutamate Receptor Targets in Arabidopsis thaliana and Cycas rumphii
Eric D. Brenner, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Joanna Chiu, Suzan J. Runko, Peter M. Palenchar, and Gloria M. Coruzzi
Cyanobacteria, Cycads, and Neurodegenerative Disease among the Chamorro People of Guam
Paul Alan Cox, Sandra Anne Banack, and Susan J. Murch
Cycad-Induced Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model of ALS-PDC: Is the Culprit Really BMAA, or Is a Novel Toxin to Blame?
Christopher A. Shaw, Jason M. B. Wilson, Reyneil Cruz-Aguado, Swaraj Singh, Erin L. Hawkes, Vivian Lee, and Thomas Marler
Hot and Smelly Sex! Theoretical Considerations of the Adaptive Significance of Cone Thermogenesis and
Volatile Odors in Cycad Reproduction
John S. Donaldson
Evolution of Dioecy and Sex Chromosomes in Cycads
Root Gorelick and Roy Osborne
Sex Change in Cycads—Cases, Causes, and Chemistry
Roy Osborne and Root Gorelick
Responses of Pollinating Thrips and Weevils to Specific Macrozamia Cycad Cone Volatiles
Irene Terry, Gimme H. Walter, Craig Hull, and Chris Moore
Molecular Systematics in Amorphocerine Weevils on Encephalartos—Preliminary Results
Douglas A. Downie and John S. Donaldson
The Populations of Dioon caputoi in the Tehucacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve
Juan C. Flores-Vázquez, Silvia Salas-Morales, and Alfredo Saynes-Vázquez
Genetic Structure and Diversity of Dioon edule: A Comparison with Other Cycads
Jorge González-Astorga and Andrew P. Vovides
An Emended Description of Dioon mejiae Standl. & L. O.Williams (Zamiaceae)
Jody L. Haynes and Mark A. Bonta
Overview of the Cycad Flora of Honduras
Jody L. Haynes and Mark A. Bonta
The World List of Cycads [La Lista Mundial de CÃcadas]
Ken D. Hill, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, and Roy Osborne
Unlocking the Coontie Conundrum: The Potential of Microsatellite DNA Studies in the Caribbean
Zamia pumila Complex (Zamiaceae)
Alan W. Meerow, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Jeremy Moynihan, and Javier Francisco-Ortega
Variación morfológica y genética del complejo Ceratozamia miqueliana H.A. Wendl. (Cycadales, Zamiaceae)
Miguel A. Pérez-Farrera, Andrew P. Vovides, Dolores González, Luis Hernández Sandoval y Mahinda MartÃnez
Cycas annaikalensis from the Western Ghats of India with a Discussion on the Specific Limits of Cycas circinalis L.
Rita Singh, P. Radha, and Prabha Sharma
Variablity of Natural Populations and Conservation Issues Facing Plicate-Leaved
Zamia Species in Central and Western Panama
Alberto S. Taylor, Jody L. Haynes, Gregory Holzman, and Jorge Mendieta
Morphological Variation of Dioon (Zamiaceae) from the Pacific Slope of Mexico Using a Multivariate Analysis
Georgina Vargas Amado, Jorge Alberto Pérez de la Rosa, José Pablo Torres Morán, and Waldina Patricia Reyes Velázquez
Subdivision of Encephalartos
Piet Vorster
The Cycads of Mexico: 25 Years of Research and Conservation
Andrew P. Vovides, Jorge González-Astorga, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, Dolores González,
Christina Bárcenas, and Carlos Iglesias
Cycads have been around for 250 million years, during which time they have retained seemingly unchanged features. The International Conference on Cycad Biology, held every three years since its inception in 1987, has become a prominent meeting centering on all aspects of the biology of this unusual and important group. This conference volume, the seventh in the series, includes 34 papers that represent the current state of knowledge about the evolution, pollination biology, ethnobotany, conservation status, and molecular biological aspects of the living cycads. Some of the articles are in Spanish, and all have Spanish and English abstracts.
Papers included in this volume are listed below. For a complete list of papers produced from cycad proceedings published by NYBG Press, click here.
Recovery Plans for Endangered Cycads: A Model Set of Objectives and Actions
Using the Example of Cycas megacarpa from Queensland, Australia
Paul I. Forster
Ex situ Conservation of Microcycas calocoma, Zamia amblyphyllidia, Z. integrifolia,
Z. ottonis, and Z. pygmaea germplasm at the National Botanic Garden, Cuba
Julio C. Lazcano Lara
TaxonomÃa, Distribución y Estado de Conservación de Zamia en Ecuador
Fernando Nicolalde-Morejón
Managing Cycad Aulacaspis Scale (Aulacaspis yasumatsusi Takagi) at Montgomery Botanical Center, USA
Christine Wiese and Catharine Mannion
EcologÃa de Ceratozamia aff. robusta en la Sierra Madre del Sur de Oaxaca
Alma Delia Chávez González, Beatriz Rendón Aguilar, and Azucena De Lourdes Luna José
Herbivores and Chemical Defenses in Cycads—An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach
Citlalli Castillo-Guevara
Seed Dispersal Agents of Two Mexican Cycads
Jeff Chemnick
Ethnobotany of Honduran Cycads
Mark A. Bonta
Cycads in the Vernacular—A Compendium of Local Names
Mark A. Bonta and Roy Osborne
The Ethnomedicinal Use of Cycads in South Africa
Errol Douwes and Christopher G. M. Dalzell
Genomic Studies in Cycas rumphii Miquel
Eric D. Brenner, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Manpreet S. Katari, Richard W. McCombie, Stephen A. Rudd,
Suzan J. Runko, Rob A. Martienssen, and Gloria M. Coruzzi
Age Influences Photosynthetic Capacity of Cycas micronesica Leaves
Thomas E. Marler
Water Economy of Macrozamia riedlei in the Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) Forest of Southwestern Western Australia
John K. Marshall
The Vascularization of the Seed of Ceratozamia mexicana (Zamiaceae)
MarÃa Ydelia Sánchez-Tinoco, E. Mark Engleman, and Stephen D. Kock
Defining the Role of BMAA and Its Potential Glutamate Receptor Targets in Arabidopsis thaliana and Cycas rumphii
Eric D. Brenner, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Joanna Chiu, Suzan J. Runko, Peter M. Palenchar, and Gloria M. Coruzzi
Cyanobacteria, Cycads, and Neurodegenerative Disease among the Chamorro People of Guam
Paul Alan Cox, Sandra Anne Banack, and Susan J. Murch
Cycad-Induced Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model of ALS-PDC: Is the Culprit Really BMAA, or Is a Novel Toxin to Blame?
Christopher A. Shaw, Jason M. B. Wilson, Reyneil Cruz-Aguado, Swaraj Singh, Erin L. Hawkes, Vivian Lee, and Thomas Marler
Hot and Smelly Sex! Theoretical Considerations of the Adaptive Significance of Cone Thermogenesis and
Volatile Odors in Cycad Reproduction
John S. Donaldson
Evolution of Dioecy and Sex Chromosomes in Cycads
Root Gorelick and Roy Osborne
Sex Change in Cycads—Cases, Causes, and Chemistry
Roy Osborne and Root Gorelick
Responses of Pollinating Thrips and Weevils to Specific Macrozamia Cycad Cone Volatiles
Irene Terry, Gimme H. Walter, Craig Hull, and Chris Moore
Molecular Systematics in Amorphocerine Weevils on Encephalartos—Preliminary Results
Douglas A. Downie and John S. Donaldson
The Populations of Dioon caputoi in the Tehucacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve
Juan C. Flores-Vázquez, Silvia Salas-Morales, and Alfredo Saynes-Vázquez
Genetic Structure and Diversity of Dioon edule: A Comparison with Other Cycads
Jorge González-Astorga and Andrew P. Vovides
An Emended Description of Dioon mejiae Standl. & L. O.Williams (Zamiaceae)
Jody L. Haynes and Mark A. Bonta
Overview of the Cycad Flora of Honduras
Jody L. Haynes and Mark A. Bonta
The World List of Cycads [La Lista Mundial de CÃcadas]
Ken D. Hill, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, and Roy Osborne
Unlocking the Coontie Conundrum: The Potential of Microsatellite DNA Studies in the Caribbean
Zamia pumila Complex (Zamiaceae)
Alan W. Meerow, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Jeremy Moynihan, and Javier Francisco-Ortega
Variación morfológica y genética del complejo Ceratozamia miqueliana H.A. Wendl. (Cycadales, Zamiaceae)
Miguel A. Pérez-Farrera, Andrew P. Vovides, Dolores González, Luis Hernández Sandoval y Mahinda MartÃnez
Cycas annaikalensis from the Western Ghats of India with a Discussion on the Specific Limits of Cycas circinalis L.
Rita Singh, P. Radha, and Prabha Sharma
Variablity of Natural Populations and Conservation Issues Facing Plicate-Leaved
Zamia Species in Central and Western Panama
Alberto S. Taylor, Jody L. Haynes, Gregory Holzman, and Jorge Mendieta
Morphological Variation of Dioon (Zamiaceae) from the Pacific Slope of Mexico Using a Multivariate Analysis
Georgina Vargas Amado, Jorge Alberto Pérez de la Rosa, José Pablo Torres Morán, and Waldina Patricia Reyes Velázquez
Subdivision of Encephalartos
Piet Vorster
The Cycads of Mexico: 25 Years of Research and Conservation
Andrew P. Vovides, Jorge González-Astorga, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, Dolores González,
Christina Bárcenas, and Carlos Iglesias