Black-Eyed Susan
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Black-eyed Susan is an opportunist that thrives easily in disturbed areas. It has naturalized through most of the continent. A biennial, it blooms and completes its life cycle in its second year but will re-seed. We include it as an early marker in almost all of our prairie and savanna seed mixes. For a long-lived perennial Black-eyed Susan, choose Sweet Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia subtomentosa).
Black-eyed Susan is one of the larval host plants of the Silvery Checkerspot. Its bright yellow flowers attract many different butterflies, moths, and bees. This plant is of high value to pollinators.
Black-eyed Susan is one of the larval host plants of the Silvery Checkerspot. Its bright yellow flowers attract many different butterflies, moths, and bees. This plant is of high value to pollinators.
Black-eyed Susan is an opportunist that thrives easily in disturbed areas. It has naturalized through most of the continent. A biennial, it blooms and completes its life cycle in its second year but will re-seed. We include it as an early marker in almost all of our prairie and savanna seed mixes. For a long-lived perennial Black-eyed Susan, choose Sweet Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia subtomentosa).
Black-eyed Susan is one of the larval host plants of the Silvery Checkerspot. Its bright yellow flowers attract many different butterflies, moths, and bees. This plant is of high value to pollinators.
Black-eyed Susan is one of the larval host plants of the Silvery Checkerspot. Its bright yellow flowers attract many different butterflies, moths, and bees. This plant is of high value to pollinators.
Regular price
Black-eyed Susan is an opportunist that thrives easily in disturbed areas. It has naturalized through most of the continent. A biennial, it blooms and completes its life cycle in its second year but will re-seed. We include it as an early marker in almost all of our prairie and savanna seed mixes. For a long-lived perennial Black-eyed Susan, choose Sweet Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia subtomentosa).
Black-eyed Susan is one of the larval host plants of the Silvery Checkerspot. Its bright yellow flowers attract many different butterflies, moths, and bees. This plant is of high value to pollinators.
Black-eyed Susan is one of the larval host plants of the Silvery Checkerspot. Its bright yellow flowers attract many different butterflies, moths, and bees. This plant is of high value to pollinators.
Black-eyed Susan is an opportunist that thrives easily in disturbed areas. It has naturalized through most of the continent. A biennial, it blooms and completes its life cycle in its second year but will re-seed. We include it as an early marker in almost all of our prairie and savanna seed mixes. For a long-lived perennial Black-eyed Susan, choose Sweet Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia subtomentosa).
Black-eyed Susan is one of the larval host plants of the Silvery Checkerspot. Its bright yellow flowers attract many different butterflies, moths, and bees. This plant is of high value to pollinators.
Black-eyed Susan is one of the larval host plants of the Silvery Checkerspot. Its bright yellow flowers attract many different butterflies, moths, and bees. This plant is of high value to pollinators.