Texas Wild Cherry
All we really know is that seed of this tomato was collected from a patch of apparently "wild" tomatoes in southern Texas. Sprawling plants produce tons of small, tasty, cherry-type tomatoes. Early-maturing and very productive! One of the stars of our 2012 tomato trials in Patagonia, Arizona (4000'), they've also been super productive in our 2021 Tucson grow-out.
All we really know is that seed of this tomato was collected from a patch of apparently "wild" tomatoes in southern Texas. Sprawling plants produce tons of small, tasty, cherry-type tomatoes. Early-maturing and very productive! One of the stars of our 2012 tomato trials in Patagonia, Arizona (4000'), they've also been super productive in our 2021 Tucson grow-out.
All we really know is that seed of this tomato was collected from a patch of apparently "wild" tomatoes in southern Texas. Sprawling plants produce tons of small, tasty, cherry-type tomatoes. Early-maturing and very productive! One of the stars of our 2012 tomato trials in Patagonia, Arizona (4000'), they've also been super productive in our 2021 Tucson grow-out.
All we really know is that seed of this tomato was collected from a patch of apparently "wild" tomatoes in southern Texas. Sprawling plants produce tons of small, tasty, cherry-type tomatoes. Early-maturing and very productive! One of the stars of our 2012 tomato trials in Patagonia, Arizona (4000'), they've also been super productive in our 2021 Tucson grow-out.