Drainage Tray For Biggle Planters
Regular price
Plum Purple
These 3D printed Drainage Trays fit perfectly with the Biggle Planter (sold separately in another listing)! The drainage trays come in 4 colors right now, pink, purple, lime green and a textured rocky turquoise.
These 3D printed Drainage Trays fit perfectly with the Biggle Planter (sold separately in another listing)! The drainage trays come in 4 colors right now, pink, purple, lime green and a textured rocky turquoise.
Regular price
Plum Purple
These 3D printed Drainage Trays fit perfectly with the Biggle Planter (sold separately in another listing)! The drainage trays come in 4 colors right now, pink, purple, lime green and a textured rocky turquoise.
These 3D printed Drainage Trays fit perfectly with the Biggle Planter (sold separately in another listing)! The drainage trays come in 4 colors right now, pink, purple, lime green and a textured rocky turquoise.