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Add A Biosystematic Study of North American Thlaspi montanum & Its Allies. Mem (21)2 to the cart
Add A Monograph of the Genus Myrceugenia (Myrtaceae). Flora Neotropica (29) to the cart
Add A Monograph of the Mexican and Cental American Species of Trixis. Mem (22)3 to the cart
Add A Revision of the American Species Eriosema (Leguminosae-Lotoideae). Mem (20)3 to the cart
Add A Revision of the American Species of Rourea Subgenus Rourea. Mem (26)1 to the cart
Add A Revision of the Fungi Formerly Classified as Nectria. Mem (26)3 to the cart
Add A Revision of the Genus Arcytophyllum (Rubiaceae: Hdyotideae.) Mem (60) to the cart
Add A Revision of the Genus Cinchona & Systematics of Erisma. Mem (80-81) to the cart
Add A Revision of the Genus Declieuxia (Rubiaceae). Mem (28)4 to the cart
Add A Revision of the North American Genus Callirhoe (Malvaceae). Mem (56) to the cart
Add A Survey of Foliar Flavonoids in the Aceraceae. Mem (54) to the cart
Add A Systematic Revision of the Genus Cybianthus Subgenus Grammadenia. Mem (43) to the cart
Add A Systematic Study of the Subtribe Espeletiinae. Mem (107) to the cart
Add Agaricus of North America: Mem (114) to the cart
Add Aiphanes; Roystonea; Euterpe; Prestoea; Allagoptera. Flora Neotropica (70- 73) to the cart
Add Amblystegiaceae (Musci). Flora Neotropica (89) to the cart
Add An Annotated Index to Species & Infraspecific Taxa of Agaricales. Mem (40) to the cart
Add Bactris (Palmae). Flora Neotropica (79) to the cart
Add Bark: Use, Management, and Commerce in Africa. Adv Econ Bot (17) to the cart
Add Beyond Slash and Burn: Building on Indigenous Management. Adv Econ Bot (11) to the cart
Add Britton's Botanical Empire. Mem (94) to the cart
Add Brunelliaceae. Flora Neotropica (2) to the cart
Add Bryostephane Steereana: A Collection of Bryological Papers. Mem (45) to the cart
Add Buddlejaceae. Flora Neotropica (81) to the cart
Add C. G. Pringle: Botanist, Traveler, & the “Flora of the Pacific Slope”. Mem (120) to the cart
Add Caliciales. Flora Neotropica (69) to the cart
Add Caryocaraceae. Flora Neotropica (12) to the cart
Add Cecropia. Flora Neotropica (94) to the cart
Add Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa and Pourouma. Flora Neotropica (51) to the cart
Add Ceratolejeunea. Flora Neotropica (90) to the cart
Add Chloranthaceae: Hedyosmum. Flora Neotropica 48) to the cart
Add Chrysobalanaceae (Supplement). Flora Neotropica (9) to the cart
Add Chrysobalanaceae. Flora Neotropica (9) to the cart
Add Cochlospermaceae. Flora Neotropica (27) to the cart
Add Combretaceae. Flora Neotropica (107) to the cart
Add Contributions Toward a Classification of Rhododendron. to the cart
Add Contributions Toward A Mycobiota of Indonesia. Mem (59) to the cart
Add Costoideae (Zingiberaceae). Flora Neotropical (8) to the cart
Add Cryptogamae Exsiccatae. I. Cryptogams. II. Algae. III. Lichenes. Mem (19)1 to the cart
Add Cryptogamae Exsiccatae. IV. Bryophyta. Mem (19)2 to the cart