Yugoslavian Red Butterhead
58 days. [Heirloom from a peasant family in Marburg, Yugoslavia (now Slovenia). Introduced 1987 by SESE.] Red-tinged leaves form heads 10 in. across. The interior leaves are quite pretty: creamy yellow-green dappled with red. Succulent with a buttery flavor. Pkt.
58 days. [Heirloom from a peasant family in Marburg, Yugoslavia (now Slovenia). Introduced 1987 by SESE.] Red-tinged leaves form heads 10 in. across. The interior leaves are quite pretty: creamy yellow-green dappled with red. Succulent with a buttery flavor. Pkt.
58 days. [Heirloom from a peasant family in Marburg, Yugoslavia (now Slovenia). Introduced 1987 by SESE.] Red-tinged leaves form heads 10 in. across. The interior leaves are quite pretty: creamy yellow-green dappled with red. Succulent with a buttery flavor. Pkt.
58 days. [Heirloom from a peasant family in Marburg, Yugoslavia (now Slovenia). Introduced 1987 by SESE.] Red-tinged leaves form heads 10 in. across. The interior leaves are quite pretty: creamy yellow-green dappled with red. Succulent with a buttery flavor. Pkt.