Historic Pansies Mix
(Viola x wittrockiana) None of the original pansies introduced in the 1800s by the Vilmorin Company of Paris still exist by their true names. Fortunately for gardeners, seedsman Kees Sahin kept a collection of 13,000 violas in the Netherlands. Kees re-assembled a mixture closely resembling the original “Bambini Mixture” from Vilmorin. The flowers are reminiscent of little smiling faces with distinct whiskers. Self-seeding biennial, 6-8" tall.
(Viola x wittrockiana) None of the original pansies introduced in the 1800s by the Vilmorin Company of Paris still exist by their true names. Fortunately for gardeners, seedsman Kees Sahin kept a collection of 13,000 violas in the Netherlands. Kees re-assembled a mixture closely resembling the original “Bambini Mixture” from Vilmorin. The flowers are reminiscent of little smiling faces with distinct whiskers. Self-seeding biennial, 6-8" tall.
(Viola x wittrockiana) None of the original pansies introduced in the 1800s by the Vilmorin Company of Paris still exist by their true names. Fortunately for gardeners, seedsman Kees Sahin kept a collection of 13,000 violas in the Netherlands. Kees re-assembled a mixture closely resembling the original “Bambini Mixture” from Vilmorin. The flowers are reminiscent of little smiling faces with distinct whiskers. Self-seeding biennial, 6-8" tall.
(Viola x wittrockiana) None of the original pansies introduced in the 1800s by the Vilmorin Company of Paris still exist by their true names. Fortunately for gardeners, seedsman Kees Sahin kept a collection of 13,000 violas in the Netherlands. Kees re-assembled a mixture closely resembling the original “Bambini Mixture” from Vilmorin. The flowers are reminiscent of little smiling faces with distinct whiskers. Self-seeding biennial, 6-8" tall.