Bells of Ireland
Invite the pixies to come play in your garden with these compact, apple-green bells. Pixie adds interesting texture and contrast to flower borders and makes an excellent cut flower. Inside each bell-shaped calyx, you will find a small, white flower with a mild fragrance. Grows wild in Syria and Turkey, but the vibrant green has come to be associated with Ireland and good luck. Likes a well-prepped bed and evenly moist soil to germinate (be patient!). Most Bells need staking, but this dwarf variety tends to stand tall on its own.
Artwork by Stephanie Anderson for Hudson Valley Seed Co.
Invite the pixies to come play in your garden with these compact, apple-green bells. Pixie adds interesting texture and contrast to flower borders and makes an excellent cut flower. Inside each bell-shaped calyx, you will find a small, white flower with a mild fragrance. Grows wild in Syria and Turkey, but the vibrant green has come to be associated with Ireland and good luck. Likes a well-prepped bed and evenly moist soil to germinate (be patient!). Most Bells need staking, but this dwarf variety tends to stand tall on its own.
Artwork by Stephanie Anderson for Hudson Valley Seed Co.
Invite the pixies to come play in your garden with these compact, apple-green bells. Pixie adds interesting texture and contrast to flower borders and makes an excellent cut flower. Inside each bell-shaped calyx, you will find a small, white flower with a mild fragrance. Grows wild in Syria and Turkey, but the vibrant green has come to be associated with Ireland and good luck. Likes a well-prepped bed and evenly moist soil to germinate (be patient!). Most Bells need staking, but this dwarf variety tends to stand tall on its own.
Artwork by Stephanie Anderson for Hudson Valley Seed Co.
Invite the pixies to come play in your garden with these compact, apple-green bells. Pixie adds interesting texture and contrast to flower borders and makes an excellent cut flower. Inside each bell-shaped calyx, you will find a small, white flower with a mild fragrance. Grows wild in Syria and Turkey, but the vibrant green has come to be associated with Ireland and good luck. Likes a well-prepped bed and evenly moist soil to germinate (be patient!). Most Bells need staking, but this dwarf variety tends to stand tall on its own.
Artwork by Stephanie Anderson for Hudson Valley Seed Co.