Bee Nectary Mix
While many people automatically think of the domesticated hive-minded honey bees as pollinators, there are many native solitary bees that help our gardens, farms, and natural ecosystems thrive. This mix of annuals and perennials supports a diverse community of bees including black sweat bees, Eastern bumblebees, long horned bees, pure gold-green sweat bees, and mining bees. Bee a friend to all the bees by planting this beeautiful flower mix.
Contains a rotating mix of annual and perennial species, such as Echinacea, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Lacy Phacelia, Globe Gilia, Siberian Wallflower, China Aster, Sweet Alyssum, California Poppy, Plains Coreopsis, Bergamot, New England Aster, Purple Giant Hyssop, Chinese Forget-me-not, Smooth Penstemon, Fleabane Daisy, and Corn Poppy.
500 seeds sow a 3'x10' garden plot.
Artwork by Lianne Pflug for Hudson Valley Seed Co.
While many people automatically think of the domesticated hive-minded honey bees as pollinators, there are many native solitary bees that help our gardens, farms, and natural ecosystems thrive. This mix of annuals and perennials supports a diverse community of bees including black sweat bees, Eastern bumblebees, long horned bees, pure gold-green sweat bees, and mining bees. Bee a friend to all the bees by planting this beeautiful flower mix.
Contains a rotating mix of annual and perennial species, such as Echinacea, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Lacy Phacelia, Globe Gilia, Siberian Wallflower, China Aster, Sweet Alyssum, California Poppy, Plains Coreopsis, Bergamot, New England Aster, Purple Giant Hyssop, Chinese Forget-me-not, Smooth Penstemon, Fleabane Daisy, and Corn Poppy.
500 seeds sow a 3'x10' garden plot.
Artwork by Lianne Pflug for Hudson Valley Seed Co.
While many people automatically think of the domesticated hive-minded honey bees as pollinators, there are many native solitary bees that help our gardens, farms, and natural ecosystems thrive. This mix of annuals and perennials supports a diverse community of bees including black sweat bees, Eastern bumblebees, long horned bees, pure gold-green sweat bees, and mining bees. Bee a friend to all the bees by planting this beeautiful flower mix.
Contains a rotating mix of annual and perennial species, such as Echinacea, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Lacy Phacelia, Globe Gilia, Siberian Wallflower, China Aster, Sweet Alyssum, California Poppy, Plains Coreopsis, Bergamot, New England Aster, Purple Giant Hyssop, Chinese Forget-me-not, Smooth Penstemon, Fleabane Daisy, and Corn Poppy.
500 seeds sow a 3'x10' garden plot.
Artwork by Lianne Pflug for Hudson Valley Seed Co.
While many people automatically think of the domesticated hive-minded honey bees as pollinators, there are many native solitary bees that help our gardens, farms, and natural ecosystems thrive. This mix of annuals and perennials supports a diverse community of bees including black sweat bees, Eastern bumblebees, long horned bees, pure gold-green sweat bees, and mining bees. Bee a friend to all the bees by planting this beeautiful flower mix.
Contains a rotating mix of annual and perennial species, such as Echinacea, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Lacy Phacelia, Globe Gilia, Siberian Wallflower, China Aster, Sweet Alyssum, California Poppy, Plains Coreopsis, Bergamot, New England Aster, Purple Giant Hyssop, Chinese Forget-me-not, Smooth Penstemon, Fleabane Daisy, and Corn Poppy.
500 seeds sow a 3'x10' garden plot.
Artwork by Lianne Pflug for Hudson Valley Seed Co.