Small Yellow Wild Indigo
When most Baptisias are done blooming, the Small Yellow Wild Indigo is in full flower, making it a great shrub-like perennial for a landscape setting. The small flowers produce just one seed per pod unlike other Indigos, which will produce many in each pod. Another common name in use: Yellow False Indigo. Baptisia tinctoria is one of the host plants of the Wild Indigo Duskywing skipper and the Clouded Sulphur butterfly.
When most Baptisias are done blooming, the Small Yellow Wild Indigo is in full flower, making it a great shrub-like perennial for a landscape setting. The small flowers produce just one seed per pod unlike other Indigos, which will produce many in each pod. Another common name in use: Yellow False Indigo. Baptisia tinctoria is one of the host plants of the Wild Indigo Duskywing skipper and the Clouded Sulphur butterfly.
When most Baptisias are done blooming, the Small Yellow Wild Indigo is in full flower, making it a great shrub-like perennial for a landscape setting. The small flowers produce just one seed per pod unlike other Indigos, which will produce many in each pod. Another common name in use: Yellow False Indigo. Baptisia tinctoria is one of the host plants of the Wild Indigo Duskywing skipper and the Clouded Sulphur butterfly.
When most Baptisias are done blooming, the Small Yellow Wild Indigo is in full flower, making it a great shrub-like perennial for a landscape setting. The small flowers produce just one seed per pod unlike other Indigos, which will produce many in each pod. Another common name in use: Yellow False Indigo. Baptisia tinctoria is one of the host plants of the Wild Indigo Duskywing skipper and the Clouded Sulphur butterfly.