Plants Collected by the Vernay Nyasaland Expedition of 1946. Mem (9)1
The Vernay Nyasaland Expedition of the American Museum of Natural His tory, on which I repre,sented the New York Botanical Garden, was sponsored and led by Mr. _Arthur S. Vernay, a trustee of the Museum and a member of the Council of the Garden. Other members of the party were Dr. Harold E. Anthony, Chairman of the Department of Mammals, Americaq Museum, and the late Capt. Guy C. Shortridge, Director of the Kaffra,rian ô€“fuseum, King William's Town, South Africa.
The Vernay Nyasaland Expedition of the American Museum of Natural His tory, on which I repre,sented the New York Botanical Garden, was sponsored and led by Mr. _Arthur S. Vernay, a trustee of the Museum and a member of the Council of the Garden. Other members of the party were Dr. Harold E. Anthony, Chairman of the Department of Mammals, Americaq Museum, and the late Capt. Guy C. Shortridge, Director of the Kaffra,rian ô€“fuseum, King William's Town, South Africa.