Shady Meadow Wildflower Mix Seed Shaker
Every garden has a shady spot. And while you're probably glad you can retreat to it when the sun is beating down on your gardening tasks, you also likely wish you could grow plants there. With this Seed Shaker, you can, and it's never been easier. Just shake and sow! These varieties thrive where others struggle for want of sunlight, and many of them attract pollinating insect species as well. Each box plants 100 square feet.
Can contain the following 18 varieties of annual and perennial flowers:
"Annual Candytuft" ~Iberis umbellata~,
"Baby Blue Eyes" ~Nemophila menziesii~,
"Baby's Breath" ~Gypsophila elegans~,
"Chinese Forget-Me-Not" ~Cynoglossum amabile~,
"Chinese Houses" ~Collinsia heterophylla~,
"Clarkia" ~Clarkia unguiculata~,
"Corn Poppy" ~Papaver rhoeas~,
"Dwarf Columbine" ~Aquilegia vulgaris~,
"Forget-Me-Not" ~Cynoglossum amabile~,
"Johnny Jump Up" ~Viola cornuta~,
"Lance-Leaved Coreopsis" ~Coreopsis lanceolata~,
"McKana Giants Columbine" ~Aquilegia caerulea~,
"Purple Coneflower" ~Echinacea purpurea~,
"Rocket Larkspur" ~Delphinium consolida,
"Shasta Daisy" ~Chrysanthemum maximum~,
"Spurred Snapdragon" ~Linaria maroccana~,
"Sweet William" ~Dianthus barbatus~,
and "Tussock Bellflower" ~Campanula carpatica~.
Artwork by Cynthia Cliff for Hudson Valley Seed Co.
Every garden has a shady spot. And while you're probably glad you can retreat to it when the sun is beating down on your gardening tasks, you also likely wish you could grow plants there. With this Seed Shaker, you can, and it's never been easier. Just shake and sow! These varieties thrive where others struggle for want of sunlight, and many of them attract pollinating insect species as well. Each box plants 100 square feet.
Can contain the following 18 varieties of annual and perennial flowers:
"Annual Candytuft" ~Iberis umbellata~,
"Baby Blue Eyes" ~Nemophila menziesii~,
"Baby's Breath" ~Gypsophila elegans~,
"Chinese Forget-Me-Not" ~Cynoglossum amabile~,
"Chinese Houses" ~Collinsia heterophylla~,
"Clarkia" ~Clarkia unguiculata~,
"Corn Poppy" ~Papaver rhoeas~,
"Dwarf Columbine" ~Aquilegia vulgaris~,
"Forget-Me-Not" ~Cynoglossum amabile~,
"Johnny Jump Up" ~Viola cornuta~,
"Lance-Leaved Coreopsis" ~Coreopsis lanceolata~,
"McKana Giants Columbine" ~Aquilegia caerulea~,
"Purple Coneflower" ~Echinacea purpurea~,
"Rocket Larkspur" ~Delphinium consolida,
"Shasta Daisy" ~Chrysanthemum maximum~,
"Spurred Snapdragon" ~Linaria maroccana~,
"Sweet William" ~Dianthus barbatus~,
and "Tussock Bellflower" ~Campanula carpatica~.
Artwork by Cynthia Cliff for Hudson Valley Seed Co.