Diversity & Phylogeny of Monocotyledons: Contributions of Monocots V. Mem (118)
The Fifth International Conference on the Comparative Biology of Monocotyledons (Monocots V) convened in New York City in June 2013, marking the 20th anniversary of the conference series. The New York Botanical Garden (Bronx) hosted Monocots V, also using facilities of the adjacent, beautiful Fordham University Rose Hill Campus. Over 330 participants, including about 80 students, represented 37 countries. Twenty-two symposia covered a wide array of taxonomic groups and subjects, such as life history strategies, morphology, paleobiology, phylogenomics, and reproductive biology.
This volume of proceedings from Monocots V comprises 12 papers from 24 contributing authors. Monocot groups represented include Asparagales (Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae, Asteliaceae, Blandfordiaceae, Boryaceae, Doryanthaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Iridaceae, Ixioliriaceae, Lanariaceae, Orchidaceae, Tecophilaeaceae, Xeronemataceae), Pandanales (Cyclanthaceae, Pandanaceae, Stemonaceae, Triuridaceae, Velloziaceae), Poales (Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Xyridaceae), Commelinaceae, and Hydrocharitaceae. Among the volume’s dozen papers is the Conference’s Plenary Lecture by Paula J. Rudall (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew), “Morphological misfits and character evolution in monocots, with particular reference to Pandanales.�
Each of the 12 papers are available as a digital download. Click the "Page Previews" tab for a list of paper titles.
The Fifth International Conference on the Comparative Biology of Monocotyledons (Monocots V) convened in New York City in June 2013, marking the 20th anniversary of the conference series. The New York Botanical Garden (Bronx) hosted Monocots V, also using facilities of the adjacent, beautiful Fordham University Rose Hill Campus. Over 330 participants, including about 80 students, represented 37 countries. Twenty-two symposia covered a wide array of taxonomic groups and subjects, such as life history strategies, morphology, paleobiology, phylogenomics, and reproductive biology.
This volume of proceedings from Monocots V comprises 12 papers from 24 contributing authors. Monocot groups represented include Asparagales (Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae, Asteliaceae, Blandfordiaceae, Boryaceae, Doryanthaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Iridaceae, Ixioliriaceae, Lanariaceae, Orchidaceae, Tecophilaeaceae, Xeronemataceae), Pandanales (Cyclanthaceae, Pandanaceae, Stemonaceae, Triuridaceae, Velloziaceae), Poales (Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Xyridaceae), Commelinaceae, and Hydrocharitaceae. Among the volume’s dozen papers is the Conference’s Plenary Lecture by Paula J. Rudall (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew), “Morphological misfits and character evolution in monocots, with particular reference to Pandanales.�
Each of the 12 papers are available as a digital download. Click the "Page Previews" tab for a list of paper titles.