Cryptogamae Exsiccatae. IV. Bryophyta. Mem (19)2
Notwithstanding the somewhat misleading title (so acknowledged by the author), G. Sayre has confined this investigation to the photosynthetic, nonvascular cryptogams. Information is from the mining of journals and a great number of herbaria. For the some 500 sets of exsiccatae included in this work, Sayre sets forth, as available, the full title, the total numbers, the dates of publications of the whole and its parts, the place of publication, and the press or other agency which issued it, if it was not distributed by the author or editor himself. Sayre did not attempt to list the species here, but refers to a printed index if one was found. Other references are made to books and papers pertaining to the set or the author.
Notwithstanding the somewhat misleading title (so acknowledged by the author), G. Sayre has confined this investigation to the photosynthetic, nonvascular cryptogams. Information is from the mining of journals and a great number of herbaria. For the some 500 sets of exsiccatae included in this work, Sayre sets forth, as available, the full title, the total numbers, the dates of publications of the whole and its parts, the place of publication, and the press or other agency which issued it, if it was not distributed by the author or editor himself. Sayre did not attempt to list the species here, but refers to a printed index if one was found. Other references are made to books and papers pertaining to the set or the author.
Notwithstanding the somewhat misleading title (so acknowledged by the author), G. Sayre has confined this investigation to the photosynthetic, nonvascular cryptogams. Information is from the mining of journals and a great number of herbaria. For the some 500 sets of exsiccatae included in this work, Sayre sets forth, as available, the full title, the total numbers, the dates of publications of the whole and its parts, the place of publication, and the press or other agency which issued it, if it was not distributed by the author or editor himself. Sayre did not attempt to list the species here, but refers to a printed index if one was found. Other references are made to books and papers pertaining to the set or the author.
Notwithstanding the somewhat misleading title (so acknowledged by the author), G. Sayre has confined this investigation to the photosynthetic, nonvascular cryptogams. Information is from the mining of journals and a great number of herbaria. For the some 500 sets of exsiccatae included in this work, Sayre sets forth, as available, the full title, the total numbers, the dates of publications of the whole and its parts, the place of publication, and the press or other agency which issued it, if it was not distributed by the author or editor himself. Sayre did not attempt to list the species here, but refers to a printed index if one was found. Other references are made to books and papers pertaining to the set or the author.